Thursday, February 18, 2010

Senior Paper Topics

1. Option one--pick (or I will assign you one at the end of class) 1 time period and location in history (I need to approve choices). I recommend using the following link to pick some dates/time periods.
The Key 50 dates of world history

Research significant aspects of society. Government, religion, economic class, major developments, etc.

-(5-6 pages)
-The remaining pages (2-3pages) will be a short one act play featuring a character you create from that time period and location. You must be historically accurate. Establish the following for you character:
-What economic class they are in.
-Political Views (when applicable)

(8 total pages of text. 1 Title page. 1 Bibliography)

2. Option #2
Pick a known historical figure. The following list is a great source(--HIGHLY suggested):

Time Magazine's The Most Important People of the Century

Research biographical information on the person of your choice. Using their history, you will make a case/argument that their life was based on destiny (like we saw in The Alchemist and Slumdog Millionaire), strictly hard work(nothing to do with destiny at all), luck, or the right (or wrong) choices.

(8 total pages).

****This is only the topic information. MONDAY I will provide detailed information and due dates for all of the step of the paper.

TODAY simple surf to make sure you like your topic and print any sources that seem good( we examine them next week).

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